The Pig Market: Week 6
Week 6 of CFB is officially in the books! Here are some names that caught my eye this weekend...
My beloved October has returned—with its brilliant colors, cool temperatures and sunny, cloudless, azure skies, and I must enjoy it before it escapes for another year.
- Peggy Toney Horton, author
Welcome my friends, to the Pig Market. Here, CFF manager frantically scour the streets—inspecting each and every merchant carefully in hopes of unearthing a hidden volume pig, or engaging in hellacious bidding for the fattest specimens at auction. A place where savvy buyers prove their mettle with extreme cunning, and first-timers unload their entire wallets on the latest cochon-du-jour.
These articles will normally be released every Sunday (or early Monday) and will highlight players that are worth taking a shot on in CFF each week. Last year this series lasted up until about midway into November, and I intend to follow a similar schedule this year.
NOTE: For those who are not interested in receiving these waiver wire reports, or the weekly rankings articles, you can opt out of receiving these emails through your subscriber settings. Opting out of the VolumePigs notification will make it so that you only receive the weekly newsletter and depth chart reports during the season.
Braylon Braxton (MARSH) — Once upon a time there was a devout following that insisted on Braxton being the next great QB under Kevin Wilson at