Quarter Two Rankings Now Available
VP's Q2 CFF rankings are now yours to consume, with explanations included for each player at each position, because you deserve only the best.
Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel.
- Bud Fox, Wallstreet (1987)
Pigs, the Q2 Rankings Report is now available for your consumption. This current iteration includes explanations for over 70 QBs, 60 RBs, 100 WRs, and 30 TEs. There are other players included as ‘on the bubble’ profiles without explanations included for each position as well. These rankings are with standard re-draft CFF leagues in mind.
Given what the length of a single document would have been, I have separated from the email the report with the actual rankings, which you can find here and on the website:
Disclaimer: the ordering of the players at each position is how I value them irregardless of ADP. It is not necessarily a measure of who I’d draft over the other. This is because the ADP of players has to be considered when drafting. I might have a player rated very high, but if I know he’s generally available later in a draft, I’ll probably select other players at that position ahead of him (within reason).
These articles are also posted on the website for you to access directly. As a reminder, I am dropping rankings reports each quarter, and you can find the Q1 report here:
In the Q3 report when ADP data is a more finished product for the upcoming season, I can organize players into the rounds that I’d target them if this is what is preferred.
Which format do you prefer:
1) Ranking of players based on how I value them irregardless of ADP (how the rankings are now)
2) Ranking of players based on the rounds that I’d actually draft them.
One issue with format #2 is that there are players like Duke’s Jordan Moore who I value very highly, but probably wouldn’t select in the top six rounds because I know I can get him later. In this format, he would be ranked around the 10th round range most likely, which might not give an accurate assessment of where I value the player (currently ranked amongst players who’s ADPs are top six round selections). You can look at last year’s CFF rankings to get an idea of how this format looks.
On the note about ADP, I have some comments to offer as advice to drafters this summer. ADP is an important consideration, but not the be-all-end-all governing force of where to take players. After about the sixth round, I would say that if there are players you want badly, once you get into a three round radius of his ADP, it’s fair game to take him. This becomes increasingly true the further down the draft you get.
Nobody is going to care that your team crushed it in regards to getting steals based on ADP once the season starts. What you will remember is that you got sniped on all of your guys because you waited too long and tried to get cute with speculating on the ADP of players.
Duke’s Jordan Moore is a good example. If a draft started today, his ADP is the 16th round. I value him as a top six round type of WR. I would probably wait until the 10th round to take him. ADP says I reached, but what is that based on? It’s the general consensus from the CFF crowd, which is not really much of my concern when selecting players, and I would much rather get a guy who I value as a steal at that range than risk letting him go elsewhere. The opportunity cost argument is that maybe I could have gotten Moore later on, unlocking additional value now if I wait. But in my experience the added value of doing this seldom outweighs the cost of not getting the desired player.
Another consideration is that if you know people in your draft value certain players highly, you will have to select that player earlier than the ADP says. An example of this is that last year I drafted Kentucky’s Ray Davis in the second rounds of drafts, despite his fourth round ADP. I knew there was at least one other in these drafts who would take him with their second or third pick if I didn’t nab him first.
In summary, ADP is important, especially early on, but as the draft goes on I tend to rely less on it, and my sentiment is always this: getting the player you want is the most important thing.
The Q3 (final rankings) report will drop in early August. You should expect that names will continue to be added and dropped from each report with future iterations.